成立于2019年的社区安全小组, 前进, the 社区安全谘询委员会 (CSAC) is charged with discussing broad issues related to campus safety, including concerns about racial and other forms of bias and their consequences, 可访问性, 谁在不同的空间感到受欢迎, and advising on improved structures for relationship building, 培训, 以及社区对校园安全的贡献.
使用来自许多不同群体的意见, 身份, 和选区, the evolving work of this council will be both strategic and tactical, 概念和实践.
CSAC is an important part of the College’s commitment to examining the intersections of identity, 公民生活, and social justice not just on our campus but also in the larger context of 哥伦比亚大学 and Morningside Heights, 纽约市的活力, and the national and international climates so that we can create a place where all members of our community feel acknowledged and respected.
The 社区安全谘询委员会 is co-chaired by Elizabeth Scott-Francis and Joanne Delgadillo, 2023-2024年的成员是:
- Elizabeth Scott Francis, Executive Director, 在乎, 不歧视 & 第九条
- 乔安妮·德尔加迪略,DEI办公室幕僚长
- 担任Barnard代表(职员)
- 2名SGA代表(学生)
- 实习代表(学生)
- 3教员(教员)
欢迎给我发邮件 在乎Team@dalian2000.net to share your comments or express your interest in volunteering to support the work of the Barnard 社区安全谘询委员会. Anonymous feedback can be shared via the Google Form below.
如果你看不见 form,请 登录你的十大电竞游戏综合排名电子邮件账户 然后回到这里.
年度费用 & 报告
学年 2021-22年在乎年度报告 provides an overview of the progress of the 在乎 Department.
- Work closely with the 在乎 team to educate and define community safety at Barnard.
- Host public events and regularly engage Barnard students, 教师, and 工作人员 to seek broad input on how to improve community safety.
- Serve as a liaison for community concerns or issues that relate to campus safety in all its forms.
- Assist with review and publishing an annual report on the work conducted by 在乎, which will include an evaluation of campus safety efforts.
- Continue to identify structures and policies at Barnard, 特别是在安全方面, that diminish safe and equitable inclusive access for all Barnard community members and offer proposals to institutional leadership.
十大电竞游戏综合排名 prides itself on academic excellence, which cannot exist without a diverse community where everyone feels welcome and safe. To support these values, Barnard formed the 社区安全小组 in April 2019. 本小组向主席报告 charged with discussing broad issues related to campus safety, including concerns about racial and other forms of bias and their consequences, 可访问性, 谁在不同的空间感到受欢迎, and advising on improved structures for relationship building, 培训, 以及社区监督.
使用来自许多不同群体的意见, 身份, 和选区, the evolving work of this group will be both strategic and tactical, 概念和实践. 工作组需要处理的事项包括:
- Providing opportunities for diverse voices to be heard and acknowledged in ongoing open sessions where people can share their personal experiences with matters of safety on our campus;
- Determining an overall philosophy of how to keep people safe on campus and how the current mission of public safety aligns with it;
- Considering the use of language in communications about campus safety;
- Reviewing the relationships between 社区安全 and the community, 尤其是学生, 教师, 工作人员, 有色人种的游客;
- 建议现行政策, 程序, and practices of 社区安全 can be improved to meet the needs of the diverse populations on campus;
- Providing advice and input regarding 社区安全 培训 curriculum and content;
- Providing advice and input regarding 培训 and support for members of the community; and
- Developing clear and transparent 程序 for when community members have concerns about the conduct of 社区安全 工作人员.
- Continue to build relationships across public safety, 教师, 工作人员, and students
- 管理 全国大学校园气候评估, which was rescheduled to Fall 2020 due to the pandemic. The survey was administered in October 2020 and the CSG will convene community meetings to discuss the results in early spring 2021.
- Evaluate data and 程序 of BCPS (now 社区安全) and its relationship to Columbia Public Safety and the NYPD (per New York law, Barnard 社区安全 coordinates with the NYPD on crime investigation and reporting)
- 与新上任的同事密切合作 护理副总裁 to develop a unit with enhanced 培训 around psychosocial safety, 反种族主义, and a deeper understanding of the diversity of 身份 in the Barnard community and hire a new director of 在乎.
- 社区安全制服的修订版
- Weekly (now bi-weekly with expanded breakout sessions) Monday assemblies to provide space for support and study for racial justice. These assemblies are well-attended by members of the community, including Pres. 贝洛克和她的领导团队成员.
The Barnard 社区安全小组 has been an important part of the College’s commitment to examining the intersections of identity, 公民生活, and social justice not just on our campus but also in the larger context of 哥伦比亚大学, 纽约市的活力, and the national and international climates so that we can create a place where all members of our community feel acknowledged and respected.
The 社区安全小组 was chaired by Ariana González Stokas, 多元化事务副总裁, 股本, 和包容, 2020-2021年的成员是:
- 切尔西·辛克莱21届
- Emily Ndiokho, 22岁
- 科林·里奇教授
- 詹妮弗·曼斯菲尔德教授
- 莫妮卡·米勒教授
- Cynthia Yang, Deputy Chief of 工作人员 to the President
- Deshawn Cook,学生生活部副主任
- 艾米·扎瓦迪尔,关怀协会副总裁
- 罗杰·莫斯尔 负责运营和校园服务的副总裁
- DeShaunta Johnson,监察专员